Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Good News!

Hi friends!

It's been an exciting couple of weeks at my house, which is why I've been MIA.  It started last Monday when I took my RN licensing exam (talk about nerve-wracking!).  I found out Tuesday morning that I passed (YAY!) and officially became a licensed registered nurse in the state of Florida...woo-hoo!!!  Next step: get a job.  As it turns out, the day I took my exam a position came open on the exact floor I wanted to work on at the hospital where I did my internship.  I applied for the position on Tuesday and got a call to schedule an interview on Thursday.  I interviewed Monday (that's right, one week after taking my exam I was interviewing for a job!) and was "unofficially" offered the position.  I was called yesterday with the "official" offer!!  I have a job!!!!! :o)

I am so excited, lucky, and totally BLESSED to be able to start my nursing career exactly where I wanted to start it.  My dream is to one day work in Open Heart Recovery, caring for patients immediately after they have had open-heart surgery.  This job is working with open-heart surgery patients after they are stable enough to leave the ICU recovery area.  It's the best place for me to be to get the experience required to move into the Recovery Unit.  It's totally a God thing that I'm able to start here and I'm so thankful to Him for blessing me!!

If you've made it this far, thanks for sticking around!  I've also been a little crafty.  I'm hoping to open an Etsy shop to sell my papercrafts and crochet goodies, so I've been working on some samples to list.  Here's a peek...

Thanks for stopping by and letting me share my good news with you! :o)

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is wonderful news!! The hats are adorable, btw.
